Mindset- transformation
Hi, I'm Lena. I am a Certified Life Coach specializing in Mindset Transformation & Empowerment Coaching.
In other words, I help women, yes you... get unstuck from the areas where you struggle the most by removing the fear associated with that state of mind so that you can finally let go of your painful past, see your full potential, and redefine yourself by building your confidence and self-worth.
You will be empowered to live authentically and inspired to pursue a more purpose-driven & fulfilling life.
Online Life Coaching with Lena Crespo
Find Your Joy And Let It Run Your Life!
Hi, I'm Lena
Certified Mindset Transformation & Empowerment Coach
I am a certified Mindset Transformation & empowerment Coach, who has for the past 25 years, been very passionate about & focused on human & Spiritual Psychology which has been the catalyst for my immense understanding of true transformation & the power within authenticity.
In other words...I am skilled at seeing how people think and thereby understand the causes behind their painful experiences, actions and how show up in the world!
I am an expert at healing Childhood Trauma, eliminating mental & emotional blocks that are responsible for the "STUCK-STATE" most people experience when they are in the process of recreating their lives and as a result of my expertise, you will not only emerge as a more powerful version of yourself but you will begin to develop a sense of clarity with an open perspective for the first time in regard to the challenges of life and as a result, you will learn how to create a life you can actually be in love with.

What Is Mindset Coaching?
I believe that all coaching is Mindset Coaching...In a sense that coaching in and of itself is about getting people to think differently about their future and getting them from where they are now to where they want to be.
But here's where Mindset Coaching differs...
Mindset Coaching differs in a way that in addition to the standard model of life coaching, a mindset coach works with clients to uncover the beliefs, blocks, behaviors, habits, and patterns of thinking that prevent them from living a more productive & fulfilling life!
What we Specialize In
Mindset Coaching
Resetting Your Internal Dialog
Human Psychology
Getting Rid Of Limiting Beliefs
Discovering Your Hearts Magnet
Spiritual Coaching
Manifesting your hearts desire
Whilst taking more informative insights into what makes their client tick, Mindset Coaches who are properly trained and certified are typically skilled in using a wide range of neuroscience-based and therapeutic reprogramming techniques such as NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and CBT ( Cognitive Behavior Therapy), and TLT (Time Line Therapy) to banish those blocks and replace them with ones that serve the client.
Energy practices like the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Energy Alignment may be implemented as well.
All of this is in addition to their knowledge and expertise with more traditional coaching practices.
In simpler terms...Mindset Coaches are easily able to employ mind tactics designed to alter perception, change minds, and hence, transform lives because they have a clear insight and understanding of their client's mind in the way they think and show up in the world.
We can’t change the cards we were dealt as children, but we can most certainly as adults, change our lives moving forward by shifting our focus from the familiar traumatic past to one that is conducive to what we want to create for ourselves moving forward.
The mindset that is subconsciously developed as a child either through personal trauma or simply consistently observing the struggles of our parents and their hardships can in some cases, cause barriers such as doubt, hopelessness & fear, that can keep us from pursuing our dreams and fulfilling our life's purpose.
A negative mindset can cause us to believe that everything is happening TO US when In truth, everything happens THROUGH US! It's our thoughts! That internal dialog of "I can't because..., Or life is too hard, or good things never happen for me, etc., that leads to feelings of hopelessness and uncertainty that ultimately cripples our ability to create something desirable for ourselves.
When we carry this internal dialog of defeat with us day in and day out, it keeps us from getting on with our lives and stepping out on our dreams in order to create and enjoy a life we can actually be in love with. And in doing so, we adopt an erroneous mindset of external obstacles or barriers as being the root cause of our physical and mental discomfort or lack of success. It’s this type of internal dialog that is responsible for the inner conflict between us WANTING and not HAVING!
When this happens we are not able to take advantage of the opportunities of growth & change, that are presented to us through conflict & discomfort, because the discomfort in most cases, causes a distorted perception about life, deeming the very thing that was meant to advance us in our lives, an "unnecessary evil", and so we become trapped within that notion and unable to move forward in a healthy way.
The power of transformation allows you to release old thinking patterns in order to create a more powerful version of yourself! As your certified Mindset Coach, I help to uncover the source behind negative thinking & help you to discover the truth about your real identity and the purpose within your pain so that you can make sense of your life in order to unlock your full potential and finally become free enough to live rather than exist.
Perhaps you-
Yearn to quiet the mental noise and the negative self-talk.
Want to feel more in control of your life.
Are in the process of recreating yourself and lack the tools to improve your physical and mental health.
Would like greater fulfillment, a more meaningful job, and greater happiness.
Want to create more meaningful relationships.
Feel stressed around your income, and would like to feel financially free.
Need more passion and purpose in your life.

The most common link between all mindset coaching clients is that there is a misalignment between what they want at the conscious level and the unconscious patterns, beliefs, behaviors, habits, and programs that are running in the background of their mind keeping them from what they truly want.
the phases of life cause drastic physical changes but rarely do we transform or change in regard to our personal nature and characteristics. Just think about it for a moment...If you can recall the number of times you have truly transformed in terms of your character during your life span, you would probably be able to account for just a few small pivotal moments only because unless you’re on a deliberate conscious path of self-discovery in order to shift your way of thinking, the only changes that can occur are small surface changes such as losing weight, quitting a bad habit or joining a religious group, etc.

But Transformation is More than Those Changes.
True transformation in its authentic form, takes those who know you well by surprise because, in addition to eradicating some bad habits, or gaining some new positive perspectives, you radiate an internal shift that manifests through your actions and spills over into every area of your life so much so, that you will continue to shock yourself! You will begin to think and speak differently. Your outlook on life changes for the better and your life reflects the internal changes you have made.
In general, Mindset Coaching... is results-oriented, generative in nature, and allows clients to practice being responsible for what transpires in their lives. It separates the client from the beliefs you have about life overall, yourself in particular, and the specific result you want to achieve.
Mindset Coaching empowers you to... shift those interpretations, which no longer serve you. It also empowers you to practice new ways of being that align you with your desires in order to reach your highest potential. This technique is transformative in nature because it focuses on mental states of being that generate actions that either move the client closer or further away from the desired outcomes.
Shifting how an individual thinks, rather than what one is doing, will create transformation because of the way one is being is transferable to every other aspect of her life. The client is able to shift their viewpoint, moving their paradigm to incorporate more, allowing for an extended repertoire of possibilities to occur.
All coaching is outcome-oriented, focusing specifically on desired results tangible and measurable by your own standards. It looks at where you are in this present moment, how you want to be, where you want to be, and the best way to get you there.

With the desired outcome clear, your Transformational coach will listen to what it is you are saying and distinguish whether what you are saying, and what you are doing, is in alignment with the desired outcome you want. But only to the degree to which you are willing to commit to that outcome is the degree to which you will be willing to hear the distinctions that are made and choose new ways of thinking and being that will align you with your desires in order to create the life you want.
The transformative power lies within understanding the relationship you have with your desires because it allows you to observe how you are being with them..

Again, it’s important to distinguish the desire from how you are being with the desire and I am an expert at locating those distinctions and helping you align yourself with the life you want. Any result we are going for can only be created as a result of our actions.
As a Certified Mindset Transformational Coach, I put emphasis on what is causing those actions that are creating the undesirable results that you are currently experiencing. Generally speaking, the internal environment within which the individual thinks and feels gives rise to the actions that are creating the present circumstances good, bad, or indifferent.
Distinguishing the thoughts and perceptions that conflict with portraying the obligation needed to reach the desired goal is where my expertise operates.
My unique style of teaching and guidance is executed with profound psychological and spiritual insight that will give you the transformative experience you have been searching for.
What it would be like to finally be able to confidently envision yourself embodying the person you have always wanted to become and seeing yourself actually achieving everything you have ever hoped for? Even much more than that...having faith in your own spiritual ability to take total control of your life?
Think of someone who has the things you have once only hoped for…or someone that inspires you.
Do they have magical superpowers? No?
Of course not! But before it became a reality, they dreamed it and believed it, gathered the tools to create it…THEN REAL LIFE'D IT!

You can start utilizing some simple life-changing strategies now with this Clarity guide, which is designed to help you step into your future!
The book will be sent straight to your email.
4 Questions to help you uncover what you really want.

Getting a Life Coach has changed my life tremendously! I can't begin to express my gratitude for Coach Lena. She strategically guided me in the right direction and empowered me to win and I'm doing just that.
Thank you, Coach Lena!
- Tracey Mitchell
Hear what my clients have to say-
I joined the Mindset Transformation program and I am blown away at her skill and expertise. I went from thinking negative to positive. Coach Lena's psychological skill helped me see that I had a destructive thinking pattern that kept me tied to my past and now, I see life completely different. Her spiritual insight is on point and I couldn't be happier.
Thank you so much for helping me.
- Olivia Green
I was an empty nester. When my kids left, I felt lost, like I didn't even know who I was. had no direction or purpose so I thought. Lena went deep to help me rediscover myself. I found my passion and the funny thing is that it wasn't what I thought it was, it was something entirely different lol. This experience was amazing. I found the courage to start over and create my own income by simply doing what I love to do.
Lena, you're amazing!
- Lisa Miller
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