Are you ready to gain Clarity?

Hey, I'm Lena
I’m so glad you're here. I'm so passionate about helping women, just like you, to gain clarity so you can build the life or business you’ve always dreamed of. I know how frustrating it is to want something so bad but not know where to start.
Gaining clarity literally changes everything...
I’m here to help you gain clarity, create strategy & take confident action in both your life & Biz!
I spent years feeling unmotivated, frustrated, and waiting for the perfect time,
that "ready moment". But guess what? Feeling ready is a lie because that time never came.
Instead, waiting to feel ready lead to years of procrastination!
Sound familiar? Keep reading...
I spent years (22 to be exact) in the wrong jobs thinking that I could be fulfilled with the right job and the right pay. I’d take on a new role and feel a little boost from the extra income, and then 6-12 months down the line, discontent will set in again. Although I enjoyed the work I did, I still felt out of place.
But regardless of me not feeling fulfilled in those roles I gave it my all, it’s just my nature. But it also meant my boundaries were out of touch. I was giving more than I should have, saying yes to everyone and my hours were mounting and here I was working more hours and feeling more frustrated day by day. Something had to change.
My spare time was spent learning & growing, and with that came the realization that those situations, roles, and environments were not a right fit for me although, they served a good purpose in pushing me to become the fempreneur I am today. I then made one decision, that one single action to invest in myself and I’ve honestly never looked back and know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, doing exactly what I love to do!
I spent years and years over planning and not feeling ‘ready’, when in reality I just wasn’t clear!

This is by far, the most impactful $137 you will ever spend. Period!
For this reason, I'm committed to my purpose in help women just like you
Gain Clarity!
Tell me if this is you...
With clarity you…
I eat issues like these for breakfast!!

Well, let's get you feeling clear honey...
You've been doing this same ole song and dance for far too long sis. It's time to stop procrastinating! It's time to tap tap tap-in to this clarity call because your whole life is on the other side just waiting for you to catch up.
Hop on a 90 minute Clarity Call.

Can build a business & life that feels freaking fantastic — and one that leverages your strengths and what comes most naturally to you.
Wake up knowing where to put your time and energy — and able to block out the rest of the noise and distractions that steal your focus and peace of mind.
Feel confident about the path you're on — instead of constantly second-guessing things.
Embrace an existence that is truly worth living — instead of wondering, When's the good part going to start
You're stuck at a job you hate
You're feeling stuck & not sure where to focus your efforts
You're all plans and no action
You have a good business idea but lack confidence & struggle to build a community
You're multi-talented but can't seem to get clear about which path to take
You're waiting for that "ready" moment
Imposter syndrome is holding you back
You know you were meant to do more
You wish you had more time to do the things you love to do
Here's how Coaching for Clarity works-
You will fill out a quick intake with questions that will bring awareness & insight to target the areas of conflict.
Identify & Clarify
We'll meet for a
90-min coaching session during which I'll ask clarifying questions and assist you in addressing your "clarity difficulty" from all angles & zone in on a solution & strategy.
Success Kit
After the call, I'll set you up with some useful material & informative resources customized to your needs to assist you on your journey & keep you on track.
The link-up
We'll catch up 2-weeks later for a brief follow-up session to make sure you're on track.
By using these 4 pillars as a basis, Clarity coaching will help you-
navigate action-blockers like perfectionism, procrastination, imposter syndrome and overwhelm
get super clear on what you want, and about your future vision
work through the fears that are keeping you stuck
Try on ideas and possibilities to see how they fit
Having someone to help you cut through
that hazy, confusing state you've been hanging ut in can be the difference in you getting back on track.
Here's what my femprenuers are saying-
Carlise G. - Wedding Planner- Femprenuer
Working with Lena has brought me back to the heart of what really matters in my business. Someone from the outside can sometimes help you identify your blind spots, raise you up, and get you back on track to success. Thanks to her, I have a more profound focus and the success kits were filled with useful things.
Thank you, you were amazing!
Michelle L. Marketing Consultant- Femprenuer
In under 20 minutes with Lena, I gained essential insight into my target audience and was able to clarify my Niche in a way that would get their attention and have me stand out from all the rest. I was blown away by her insight!
Thank Lena
Michelle L. Marketing Consultant- Femprenuer
The questions you asked caused me to think deeper into my confusion and the cause behind it. I expected you to clear up my confusion for me but instead-You skillfully lead me to answer my own questions and because of that, I was able to come up with solutions I did not know I had. That awareness meant everything because you equipped me with the tools I need to get to the other side of my confusion, should I end up stuck again. I am forever grateful!