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Mindset Transformation & Empowerment Coaching
Using the mind to create & control the matter!


Mindset Coaching program

I believe that all coaching is Mindset Coaching...In a sense that coaching in and of itself is about getting people to think differently about their future and getting them from where they are now to where they want to be.

But here's where Mindset Coaching differs...

Mindset Coaching differs in a way that in addition to the standard model of life coaching, a mindset coach works with clients to uncover the beliefs, blocks, behaviors, habits, and patterns of thinking that prevent them from living a more productive & fulfilling life! 

Whilst taking more informative insights into what makes their client tick, Mindset Coaches who are properly trained and certified are typically skilled in using a wide range of neuroscience-based and therapeutic reprogramming techniques such as NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and CBT ( Cognitive Behavior Therapy), and TLT (Time Line Therapy) to banish those blocks and replace them with ones that serve the client. 

Energy practices like the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Energy Alignment may be implemented as well.

All of this is in addition to their knowledge and expertise with more traditional coaching practices.

In simpler terms...Mindset Coaches are easily able to employ mind tactics designed to alter perception, change minds, and hence, transform lives because they have a clear insight and understanding of their client's mind in the way they think and show up in the world.

By working with the mindset in this way, the coach paves the way for faster results, greater transformation, and lasting success in every area of life.

We can’t change the cards we were dealt as children, but we can most certainly as adults, change our lives moving forward by shifting our focus from the familiar traumatic past to one that is conducive to what we want to create for ourselves moving forward.

The mindset that is subconsciously developed as a child either through personal trauma or simply consistently observing the struggles of our parents and their hardships can in some cases, cause barriers such as doubt, hopelessness & fear, that can keep us from pursuing our dreams and fulfilling our life's purpose.


A negative mindset can cause us to believe that everything is happening TO US when In truth, everything happens THROUGH US! It's our thoughts! That internal dialog of "I can't because..., Or life is too hard, or good things never happen for me, etc., that leads to feelings of hopelessness and uncertainty that ultimately cripples our ability to create something desirable for ourselves.

When we carry this internal dialog of defeat with us day in and day out, it keeps us from getting on with our lives and stepping out on our dreams in order to create and enjoy a life we can actually be in love with. And in doing so, we adopt an erroneous mindset of external obstacles or barriers as being the root cause of our discomfort or lack of success. It’s this type of internal dialog that is responsible for the inner conflict between us WANTING and not HAVING!

When this happens we are not able to take advantage of the opportunities of growth & change, that are presented to us through conflict & discomfort, because the discomfort in most cases, causes a distorted perception about life, deeming the very thing that was meant to advance us in our lives, an "unnecessary evil", 

and so we become trapped within that notion.

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The power of transformation allows you to release old thinking patterns in order to create a more powerful version of yourself! As your certified Mindset Coach, I help to uncover the source behind negative thinking & help you to discover the truth about your real identity and the purpose within your pain in order to unlock your full potential and become a more positive version of yourself!

Perhaps you-​

  • Crave the confidence to show up in the world as your authentic self

  • Want to feel more in control of your life

  • Want to improve your physical and mental health

  • Strive to create your dream body, strength, or  fitness levels

  • Desire lots of freedom in your life

  • Would like greater fulfillment, more meaning, and greater happiness

  • Want more meaningful relationships

  • Feel stressed around your income, and would like to feel financially free

  • Need more passion and purpose in your life


The most common link between all mindset coaching clients is that there is a misalignment between what they want at the conscious level and the unconscious patterns, beliefs, behaviors, habits, and programs that are running in the background of their mind keeping them from what they truly want.


 What it would be like to finally be able to envision yourself embodying the person you have always wanted to become and seeing yourself actually achieving everything you have ever hoped for? Even much more than that...having faith in your own spiritual ability to create your dream life for yourself?


Think of someone who has the things you have once only hoped for…or someone that inspires you.

​Do they have magical superpowers? No?

​Of course not! But before it became a reality, they dreamed it and believed it…THEN REAL LIFE'D IT!​

And that my friend, is where the D.A.R.E  PROJECT comes in!

​This is the bridge that will guide you from feeling stuck & defeated to stepping into your full creative potential...

to where you want to be!




What do you really want?

Together, we will discover your heart's magnet and find all the things that make you tick.


Self Reflection

Through CBT

(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) 

we reflect upon your mental diet. We examine your core beliefs to bring awareness to any cognitive distortions (AKA-lies) responsible for holding you back.




Mental Habits

Once those distortions are brought to the surface, we resolve them through reason and accountability and replace them with the truth.


Become a Conscious Creator

Prepare to be empowered through faith in your purpose coupled with knowledge about your spiritual abilities to attract and create your heart's desires.

Program Total Cost- $1,794

Payment Plans Available


The D.A.R.E. Project is my 12 week 1:1 Coaching Program where I will help you clear emotional blocks, shift your mindset, realize your potential and start creating the life you’ve been dreaming of!


​Imagine this time next year, your daydreams have become your reality!

Here’s what we’ll cover:

MODULE 1: Creating Clarity on your Dreams, Goals, and Desires

​A deep dive session getting clear on what you truly desire in your heart of hearts and what it is that will truly set your soul on fire!

MODULE 2: 2:1 2:2 -Eliminating Self-Doubt and Limiting Beliefs

​Uncovering the subconscious deep-rooted blocks that have been holding you back and leading you to believe the life want isn’t possible by reframing them with empowering


and truths!

MODULE 3: Creating Confidence and Becoming Empowered

​Building your personal confidence and empowering you to believe in yourself, your mental and spiritual abilities, and put a stop to self-doubt, comparison, & Imposter Syndrome!

MODULE 4: Money Mindset Makeover

This module will reframe your mindset to understand and believe that having true wealth and abundance is totally within your reach and become a vibrational match for it!

MODULE 5: Law of Attraction workshop-Becoming a vibrational match 

Our brain is a record of the past. And since our feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences, we become anchored in our past, bringing old beliefs and ways of

being into our present experiences, making it difficult to shake habits or beliefs. This pillar is designed to teach you how to become defined by your vision of the future and whom you

inspire to be instead of being led by the memories of your past. as a law of attraction expert, I will teach you how to become a vibrational match to your desires.



We all have within us a three-dimensional system of Spirit, Soul & Body. In other words, we are two things, matter & energy. The key to creating a life you can be in love with is not 

only doing the physical work to get there but learning how to become a vibrational match to attract the things you desire. 

MODULE 6: Goal Setting and Strategy

​Now that you have crystal clear clarity on your dream life and the confidence & belief to make it your reality, we will put some goals in place and a strategy to help you reach

your desires!


Free Workbook & Planner

​You will have full access to me directly to discuss any breakthroughs!

​2x 1-hour Reflection Sessions to discuss your progress or anything that has come up between sessions!


​​​​​​By the end of this program, you would have experienced substantial positive changes taking place within every area of your life due to the mental shift. You will begin to notice opportunities showing up inviting you to your new life. Your confidence will skyrocket with the ongoing weekly email support of inspirational newsletters and downloadable material.



The life you want is waiting for you on the other side of this call. Book your free call now and discover all the ways that I can help you pull your whole life together!
Are you ready?


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