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New Coach Tool Kit...

Young Businesswoman

Listen, we all know that anything worth having is worth working for, but a little bit more clarity in regards to the small details would have been nice.

Now I'm not saying that the information in regards to developing a successfulbusiness is not out there, but google academy gives it to you in nickels and out of order, to say the least! By the time you're done gathering all the pieces of information from different sources, you will be more confused than when you started!


But now you have me! For your convenience, I've put together a "One-stop search" package based on what I wish I had as a brand new coach, where you get all the business templates you need to start & grow your business all in one place. Yes, the whole dollar bill in one piece.


With Coachpro, you no longer have to filter through all the information you have gathered to decide what's really needed, nor do you have to figure out how to design & create coaching templates because I did it all for you.


Here, you will get the most valuable information  and templates that is designed to scale your business to six figures in less than a year.


I'm giving you exactly what I used to make my business profitable minus the stress.

This guide will prevent you from walking into walls so to speak, and keep you from making some of the most common mistakes beginner coaches make.

Consider this the "No helmet needed" effect. lol You can thank me later!

​here's what's inside...


  • 10x10 Matrix- Learn how to break your Niche down to 100 topics for social media content and marketing ideas.

  • How to grow your email list fast.

  • Design & Plan a client attracting website workbook.

  • Client welcome packet templates: (Over 20 editable templates) that includes- Welcome letter, Intake form, Coaching agreement- Coaching Contracts, Privacy policy, invoice template, self-assessment worksheet, Payment agreement forms and so much more.)

  • New Coach briefcase: Create a Coaching program workbook.

  • How to create an online course workbook & check-list.

  • BONUS: Coaching framework & Individual Coaching Plan template.

New Coach Tool Kit

Get one before stock runs out!


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